Saturday 9 April 2016

Should Senate President Saraki step down?

Since the code of conduct bureau charged the Senate president to code of conduct tribunal for false declaration of assets, there had been a contending issues among Nigerian that he should step down from the exalted office in order to save it from disrepute.

Most organization step up pressure to forced the Senate president to resign such as CUPS so let see their view;


Without shred of a doubt, Bukola Saraki is the most dangerous politician today in Nigerian political landscape. Unlike any other politician in APC or PDP, he remains a divisive figure and a real threat to the corporate existence of the Nigerian state.

Here are some of the legal reasons and why we strongly believe that #Saraki_Must_Go!

Did you know that the Federal Ministry of Justice had since 29/7/2015 recommended the prosecution of Bukola Saraki and his co-conspirators, who forged the Senate Standing Orders to fraudulently elect him as the Senate President?

Ministry of Justice document with reference number DPPA/ADV/258/15,  had recommended that Saraki and his co-conspirators should be prosecuted for criminal conspiracy, forgery, breach of official trust and unlawful assembly.

The Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Criminal Investigation Department, Force Headquarters, Dan’Azumi Doma, had earlier conducted a preliminary investigation of the forgery of the Senate Standing Orders and filed a 13 page damning report with with reference number CB: 3514/XFQ/ABJ/Vol./23/17.

This report was sent to the Ministry of Justice by Doma, seeking for legal advice on the line of action to taker. In preparation for court appearance, the police gave the forgery scandal a case reference number:  FHQ/X/ABJ/SEB/365/2015.

DIG Doma's 13 page preliminary report made 7 startling findings, which are outlined below:

(1) That on the 9/6/2015, a document titled “the Senate Standing Order 2015 as amended” was unlawfully distributed to senators of the 8th Senate for their inauguration as members

(2) That the contents of the Senate Standing Order 2015 as amended are substantially different from the Senate Standing Order 2011 as amended. Sections 2(iv), 3(3)E, I,ii,iii, G and H, 5 and 7 of the Rules are different in the two Orders.

(3) That the Senate Standing Order 2015 as amended was used by the clerks of the National Assembly and the Senate as the Senate Standing Orders to fraudulently inaugurate and conduct elections into the offices of the presiding officials of the Senate, namely the Senate President, the Deputy Senate President etc.

(4) That the testimonies of some members of the 7th Senate including that of the chairman of the Business and Rules Committee and Senators of the 7th Senate indicate that the Senate Standing Order 2011 was not amended during the tenure of the 7th Senate which ended on the 8/6/ 2015.

(5) That the procedure for the amendment of the Senate Standing Order as contained in Section 110 of the Senate Standing Order 2011 as amended stipulates that any amendment to the Senate Standing Orders should be in line with the following procedures:

i Any senator desiring to amend any part of the Rules or adding any new clause shall give notice of such amendments in writing to the President of the Senate giving details of proposed amendment.

ii. The President shall within seven working days cause the amendment to be printed and circulated to members. Thereafter it shall be printed in the Order Paper.

iii. The movers of the amendment shall be allowed to explain in details the proposed amendments, thereafter the Senate shall decide by simple majority votes whether the amendment should be considered.

iv. If the decision is to consider the amendments, then another date shall be set aside by the Rules and Business Committee, whereby opportunity would be given to Senators to further propose amendments but must strictly be confined to the original amendments.

v. Two third majorities shall decide the amendments and such amendments shall form part of the Rules of the Senate.

(6) That the Clerk of the Senate, Mr. Benedict Efeturi, who doubles as the Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly confirmed in his statement that the Senate Standing Order 2015 as amended was produced on the orders of the Senate President, Bukola Saraki, without following the amendment procedures as contained in the Senate Standing Orders 2011 as amended.

(7) That the allusion by the clerk of the Senate to procedure of amending the Standing Orders of Parliament through “practice and not necessarily by procedure” is a misplaced analogy and undemocratic because the Nigerian Senate has clearly laid-down without a proviso, the procedure to be adopted in amending its standing orders as contained in section 110 of 2011 Senate Standing Orders.

The Ministry of Justice legal opinion document (DPPA/ADV/258/15), which reviewed and analysed the report submitted by DIG Doma had concluded that the leadership election of Bukola Saraki was based on forged documents. It cannot stand in the eyes of the law and is therefore null and void!

The document further advised DIG Doma to carry out additional investigation to establish the following facts:

1. Who authorised the promulgation of the Senate Standing Order 2015.

2. Who published the Senate Standing Order 2015.

3. Who approved the Senate Standing Order 2015.

4. Who paid for the publishing of the Senate Standing Order 2015.

5. Who distributed the Senate Standing Order 2015.

When the above facts are established, it would be found that none other than the fraudulent “Senate President”, Bukola Saraki, made the orders.


Everything about Bukola Saraki is fraudulent. His wealth, his election to office as a governor and subsequently as a senator have all been fraudulent. His accession to the Senate Presidency is also fraudulent.

Whatever happens at his ongoing trial at the CCT, which we believe Saraki will be found guilty of all the 13 charges, we contend that he will never be able to escape the charges of criminal conspiracy, forgery, breach of official trust and unlawful assembly as outlined in the DIG Doma's 13 page police report.

In view of the above compelling factual revelations, we call on all patriotic Nigerians at home and around the world to support operation #Saraki_Must_Go!

Unless we collectively force Saraki out of the Senate to face his various criminal charges in the courts, he will keep holding Nigeria to ransom. This Mafia don has no regret pulling Nigeria down as he is put down for his criminality.

Fellow compatriots, Nigeria is a great nation of over 180 million people who deserve better. For all intent and purposes, we deserve a democratically elected National Assembly with legitimate, patriotic and visionary leadership, to work in harmony with the President, to deliver the aspirations of the masses.

May God save Nigeria and Nigerians. Amen.

Dr. Idris Ahmed.


When it was revealed that Icelandic Prime Minister, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson was implicated in the #PanamaPapers scandal, he immediately and gracefully resigned.

Similarly, when Michael Grahammer, the chief executive of Hypo Landesbank Vorarlberg, an Austrian lending bank, was implicated in the massive leak, he too duly resigned from his lucrative job.

The two resignations above are symptomatic of the way things are done in democratic civilised world. Once a question mark appears over a public figure, resignation follows immediately. Nobody is above the laws of the land, not even the Prime Minister.

Unfortunately, the same civilised norm and value system cannot be said about Nigeria, a country that is more than 500 times larger than Iceland in human capital.

When the fraudulent Nigerian "Senate President", Bukola Saraki, was mentioned in the same #PanamaPapers as having four exquisite off-shore properties, the only reaction we received is a disparaging comment from his wife, who laid claim to the properties and dismissed Saraki as an imposter!

Nobody came from outside to teach the Icelandic and Australian people the culture of forcing corrupt officials to resign. They developed this highly desirable culture by themselves. We in Nigeria must have the courage to do the same, otherwise we are doomed!

As a matter of patriotism and urgency, we at CUPS call on all Nigerians to support the #Saraki_Must_Go movement!

May God save Nigeria and Nigerians. Amen.

Dr. Idris Ahmed.

Senate president Bukola Saraki

But the most intriguing part of this episode is the introduction of foreign forensic experts by the Senate president of what values would that be to our jurisprudence or outright show of power

So fellow Nigeria what's is your view about this? In subsequent released we shall post the views of opponent against his stepping down

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